When Oksana Kobletskaya from Odessa, Ukraine, discovered she was pregnant, she and her husband Sergey were thrilled. They already had a three-year-old daughter and had planned for a modest family. However, their expectations took a dramatic turn.
Early in her pregnancy, Oksana suspected something was different. “No one in our family had ever had twins,” she told German news source Heftig. Her suspicion proved correct, but the reality was far beyond her imagination.
During an ultrasound, Oksana noticed the doctor’s worried expression. “My heart stopped,” she recalled. The doctor finally revealed, “I can see five fetuses, maybe six. It’s hard to tell.” Oksana was expecting quintuplets.
Such a rare event—only 1 in 47,458,321 pregnancies result in quintuplets—left both the medical staff and the Kobletskayas in shock. “It almost felt like a nightmare,” Oksana admitted. Sergey was concerned about how they would manage.