Imagine this: Three women enter a job interview: a brunette, a redhead, and a blonde. No, this is the beginning of an incredible story that you will undoubtedly tell your friends—not the beginnings of a corny joke.
So, full with self-assurance and resolve, the brunette walks in first. She answers inquiries and fills out documents with ease. The interviewer asks, “How many D’s are there in INDIANA JONES?” right when she seems like she’s aced it.
She stops, applies reason, and then responds, “One.” The interviewer gives her a satisfied-seeming nod and finishes the conversation with the well-known “We’ll get back to you.”

The redhead walks into the room next. She breezes through the first section of the interview, just like her predecessor did. The same odd question then appears: “How many D’s are there in INDIANA JONES?”
With assurance, the redhead says, “One,” hardly skipping a beat. With a poker face on, the interviewer says, “Okay, we’ll let you know.”
It’s the blonde’s turn at last. She walks confidently toward the interviewer’s desk, prepared to take on any challenge. The question that stumps her after she breezes past the procedures is, “How many D’s are there in INDIANA JONES?”
Her expression darkens as she counts on her fingers and murmurs to herself, “2, 4, 6, hmm, wait, hmm. 2, 4, 6,…” She says, “Please let me borrow your calculator,” as she becomes increasingly confused.
After fifteen exhausting minutes of rigorous computations, she yelled, “Thirty-two!”
Startled beyond belief, the interviewer asks, “Okay, now tell me, how the hell did you come up with that answer?”
She responds with a naughty smile, “Simple… Da, da, da, da, daaaa… Daaaa da daaa daa da daaaa daa da daaaa daa… Now that you remember it, sing along!”