I remember when we got our firstborn. It was 4 months ago, how could I forget!? We were overjoyed and filled with positive stress. But you never know what’s coming until you feel that your kid literally CANNOT live without you, and you have to be there for them 24/7 until they grow up. It’s a responsibility greater than us, a thing that we prioritize before ourselves. No other feeling can compare that of becoming a parent.
But this is quite different story. After doctors told Becki Allen the news she was shocked beyond belief! Her case was one out of 200 million cases according to some statistics.

A few years before she found out the shocking news, she welcomed a beautiful daughter into the world, and was very happy to tell her that she is going to be a big sister.

The happy family from Liverpool, England, wanted to be a truly rich family and bring more children into the world. But once they looked at the ultrasound, they didn’t imagine they would have that many… all at once! They were expecting triplets. But that’s not all! They were expecting three identical triplets!`
`Becki had severe headaches back in her pregnancy. When doctors heard about it, they wanted to make an ultrasound and make sure everything is OK.`Becki had severe headaches back in her pregnancy. When doctors heard about it, they wanted to make an ultrasound and make sure everything is OK.
Becki told the Liverpool Echo :“It was the biggest shock of my life! We haven’t got any triplets in the family so it came completely out of the blue.”

They had a name for one child, but not for three: so they came up with beautiful names for the three boys: Roman, Rocco and Rohan, the Tripple R!
They were delivered by Caesarean section at 31st week of pregnancy. They weighted between 3-5 pounds and had to spend the first couple of weeks in intensive care.

It’s not unusual for triplets to have complications. On the opposite: it’s quite common for triplets to have compilations, and worse, die.

Luckily for this family, they brought fighters into the world, and they were all healthy and gained normal weight.
They were handed out to the family after about a month of intensive care.

Doctors tried to tell them that not all the boys were that identical, but looking at these pictures, I beg to disagree!

After doing DNA tests, they concluded: they were genetically identical.
For them to be identical triplets is extremely rare.

Even if viewers can’t distinguish who’s who, Becki said: “It’s only when they’re asleep that they look the same to me. But they all have completely different personalities. And they’ve all got dark birthmarks between their eyebrows, but Roman’s is slightly darker than the others, and Rohan has got a birthmark on his leg as well.”

Becki spends a small fortune on diapers alone: about 100$ a week for almost 150 diapers.
She buys 5 packs of wipes every week as well.
Being a full time parent to these little bundles of joy is not an easy task.

Indiana (their big sister) is very happy and proud to help raise these three little fighters.

Becki said: “Indiana loves them. She’s not one bit jealous. I do feel a bit sorry for her when I think what it’s going to be like growing up with three little brothers though!”

How could you not be madly in love with these three little boys?!
I have one and I am eternally grateful for him… I cannot imagine 2 more at the same time!
They are lucky and happy family, and most of all, RICH family!

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